Saturday, June 30, 2007

Looking Within...

I never like to look at myself in the mirror. I would be picking on my non-symmetrical facial features, my untamable hair, my failing foot, and failing spine ... etc... That's the physical part.

I never like to look at myself in the mirror. I would be picking on my stupidity, my incapability to make better decisions, my incapability to change the matters around me to a more positive light...

Basically, I am inadequate. I am typing this right now at a whim because my foot is acting up again. I am typing this right now because someone's blog has triggered me to look within. Personally, I feel that I won't blame the people around me making weird decisions, be their decisions hurtful to me and others. I feel that I was inadequate to handle it.

I am not strong. I am limited. Yet living and moving on is what I can do.

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