Sunday, May 13, 2007

10 weeks

I thought it would be fast, but it was not. Hectic, packed to the brim, trying to breathe could be some of the stuff which could be used to describe the past 10 weeks of attachment.

It was not a nice feeling trying to rush. It was worse when I knew I had to push 40 cute children to rush too. I did not have the time to really interact with them. I also did not really wish to because I did not want to miss them too much when I left the attachment. Worked perfectly to the boss's guidelines to males in this career path : Build a rapport with them but do not be close to them.

Their guideline is a contradiction. There is no way to build a good rapport without being close to them. That would be superficial.

Anyway, despite all my efforts to keep a distance, I was still touched by some of their actions. 10 weeks were not wasted just on the attachment after all. I still managed to touch some hearts...

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