Wednesday, May 23, 2007

How hard is it to understand a situation?

Impossibly hard...

I watched the Pirates of the Carribean III last night. I found myself empathising with the main character Jack Sparrow in the movie. There was one man who was supposed to be self-centered, only intent on saving his ass, manipulating others, stepping over others to reach his target. Yet at the end, he was plagued by indecision whether to become the next immortal Captain or to save someone who has betrayed him quite a number of times.

The indecision at that point of time marked the struggle between the two decisions, either for your self, or for the other people around you. I won't even mutter the words 'good' or 'evil', for these two words are biased, determined by rules and laws of communities or rather perception. I was accused of criticising someone when the intention was not so. The judgement call was made without even questioning the intention and worse, it was made by assumption when that someone was working on unbiaseness.

I gave up my seat in the MRT for a pregnant lady. The pregnant lady thanked the person who was standing in front of me, rather than me. Fine.

I tried to get people to reflect based on explicit questioning into specifics. I was accused of criticising too. Well done.

Miscommunication is the 'in' thing in this era where people judged on impression, and not by analysis of evidence from all sides.

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